cd - ref : rnd08
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Variations Opportunistes was composed and created using a digital process: frames are blocked and repeated using a digital anomaly in a CD player and sound glitches are fragmented and recorded on a CD format.
Diverse sound fragments are treated variably (frequency, range, amplitude, speed…).
The instrumental game consists of using different scratch and manipulation techniques in cuts, crescendos or decrescendos over variable speeds. These sound conditions are mixed simultaneously with several categories of sound syntheses. The result is “surgical” work on harmonic details, the sound frequency and its range and the defragmentation of sound (subtractive or additive synthesis, etc.) based on preexisting music for soloists or ensembles.
The first research was based on the reuse of domestic CD players. This involved work on the very surface of optical supports (CD), the manipulation of optical heads (prism) and the use of diverse transparent materials, such as silicone or oily substances.
CD: Zygosis (Sonoris 1999) was partially created with this concept.
MINI CD: Frame (Cinéma pour l’oreille – Metamkine -1999) was entirely created with this concept.
CD: Stème (composed in 2003 and edited by Room40 in 2007) also features this process. This practice was also used for diverse compositions, as well as my visual art and video projects.